Saturday, June 26, 2010


When I decided to get lap band surgery, I made the decision not to tell very many people about it. I wanted to avoid questions and comments and judgments and all of the other things that one can often expect when making a less-than-mainstream choice. With weight loss surgery, I felt like this "nosy neighbor" phenomenon would be magnified as we live in a society that is so weird about weight issues. My thinking was that I could always decide at a later date to share that I had undergone surgery, but once the word was public, there was no reeling it back in.

To date, the only people who know about the surgery are GeekBoy (who was baffled by my decision, but supportive nonetheless), my parents (one took the news well, the other did not), my brother (who had no reaction at all to the news), and a couple of my friends who've proven in the past that they can keep their traps shut (both were very encouraging and supportive).

Looking back, now that I'm eight months out from my surgery, I'm glad I made this decision. Each person is different and I don't mean to suggest that surgery secrecy is the right decision for everyone, but it's worked out well for me. Surprisingly, keeping the info quiet has actually been much less of a challenge than I expected.

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