Wednesday, March 23, 2011

All is Well and the Wee One is Spectacular!

Many apologies to all who might have been reading this blog or who might have accidentally stumbled upon it only to notice that I *suddenly* stopped posting. I can only imagine what y'all must have assumed. (We humans have the tendency to assume the worst - especially in weird risky-seeming situations.) Yes, I have a lap band. Yes, I had gestational diabetes. And things got even more exciting in the last month or so as my blood pressure started going up to fairly concerning levels.

BUT - despite it all, I managed to deliver (via C-section) a wonderful, healthy and happy baby boy who is the love of my life (and of Geekboy's).

It's now been 14 weeks since the baby was born and I've decided it's time to "get back on the wagon". A couple of weeks after his birth, quite shockingly, I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I've never lost 30lbs in 2 weeks before. That was an experience! However, since hitting that weight low, I started gaining and had put on a good 10-12 lbs. I think it was a combination of the free-for-all experience with the diabetes going away and getting off of insulin, no longer having to worry about the well-being of the baby, being unfilled, and not exercising at all due to baby demands.

How does one "get back on the wagon"? Well, I went in for a fill yesterday. And today I'm feeling it. Possibly a little too much. I'm going to try to give it a day or two to see if things settle down, but if not, I might be headed right back for a partial unfill. I had the nurse practitioner take me from 5ml to 6.75, where I had been prior to the pregnancy, figuring that it was a pretty good level before. Things might have changed. How do I know? Let's put it this way - I tried to eat ONE scrambled egg with a sprinkling of cheese for dinner. I got half of it down, spit up a quarter of it (along with a lot of slime) and am still feeling it an hour and a half later. Ugh.

It's Wednesday. I'm going to try to make it to Monday to see if things resolve themselves. Hopefully, I won't shrivel up or be too overly miserable in that time.

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