The ultrasound tech asked me what I thought the baby's sex was before "the big reveal". She also asked Geekboy who, true to form, was unwilling to wager a guess based on the fact that he had no information to go on. I told her I had a hunch it was a boy though I was kind of secretly hoping for a girl. She said that mamas seem to have accurate hunches a surprising amount of the time. Then she went searching for Bebe's "parts". There between Bebe's two legs, she found...a third little leg! It's a boy!
It's very exciting to finally know how to think of Bebe. It's surprising to me that some people deliberately choose not to find out their baby's sex until birth. I want all of the information I can get!!!
I think I'm going to make Geekboy make the decision about whether or not to get Bebe circumcised, but that's a topic for a whole different blog post.
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