Thursday, July 15, 2010

First Day on Insulin

So - I'm almost through my first day on insulin and really it's not all that bad! I was fairly scared about getting the whole hang of injecting myself and about figuring out doses and whatnot - but it really hasn't been near the big deal I had made it out to be in my mind. With the exception of my waking blood glucose number which is still too high, all of my numbers over the day have been perfectly within range - which is great considering that I've been fairly "loose" with my eating and I haven't pursued any after-meal exercise all day.

I'm on a combination of two different types of insulin: long lasting and quick acting. In a nutshell, I get a shot of long-lasting before bed and in the morning. I take a shot of quick acting 30 minutes before meals. Because dinner is the only meal where my numbers have been giving me trouble, at this point, I only use quick acting then.

Tonight was my first pre-dinner shot. I filled the syringe and took it with me in the car on the way to the restaurant. Just before getting out of the car, I administered the dose as I figured it would take about 30 minutes to order and get our food. Before leaving for dinner, I did a pre-meal blood sugar test and my number was 84 (the goal is to be under 100). I was a bit concerned that if the food got delayed at the restaurant, the insulin could begin acting and give me a sugar low so I brought along a little Tupperware with dried apricots and almonds. (Remember the pre-unfill apricot of death episode?) I ate one apricot before the meal came and it got a wee bit stuck - but nothing like last time. Note to self: don't eat dried apricots. Ever. For any reason.

The sugar low never occurred and my reading one hour after dinner was 128 (the goal is to be under 140). Woo hoo! Insulin works!

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