Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Somewhere between 18 and 20 weeks, one is supposed to begin to feel the baby's movement inside the womb. I think I've been feeling these movements for a few days now, but only yesterday did I really figure out that was what I was experiencing. I've heard the movements described as "bubbles" or "butterfly flutters", but mine are more like little twinges, short-lasting cramps, or passing moments of extra pressure on areas like my bladder. They'd be easy to miss if I wasn't looking for them, but they're certainly there and seem to have grown stronger even over the past few days.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't feel our baby move until around 21 weeks or so - it took a while! I only felt it when my husband was talking to my belly, and when he moved his mouth away the baby kicked. *lol*
